We love our neighborhood for millions of reasons, and one of the reasons is our great neighbors! The picture here captures the generosity of our neighbors, who we are so thankful for!
One of our neighbors has a vending machine business. Can you guess which item came from him? Last week, our kiddos ran inside our house with eyes the size of half dollars when our neighbor gave them this box of Moon Pies. He gives them treats like these all the time, and they adore him for it! With both sets of our children's grandparents living outside of Nashville, they're thankful to have been adopted by Mr. Wes next door! We're also thankful that Mr. Wes has tons of tools and equipment that he lets us borrow. Thanks to him, we've never had to buy a ladder since we moved in!
The fresh green beans appeared on our front door last week from our other neighbor. I've had some good laughs with her, too. She also has 3 kids of the same gender like me. Both of our kids are spaced apart exactly the same, and our last 2 children both had the same birth weight (a whopping 9 lbs. 2 oz.!). Her kiddos are all in their 20s and have left home. She tells me that I'm living her life 20 years later. We've traded out toys for her grandchild, and she was so gracious to let me borrow clothes her grandchild had outgrown when we had our latest little one last year.
I think it was Robert Frost who wrote, "Good fences make good neighbors." I would add that Moon Pies, ladders, fresh green beans, and children's clothes do too!